ITPO fornisce un catalizzatore per la crescita del commercio indiano. ITPO approva i tempi del progetto. È un alto standard di preparazione. Pragati Maidan offre circa 61.290 metri quadrati . di spazio…
Sono le persone che li hanno fatti diventare una società fieristica di successo a livello mondiale. Questa è una storia per il futuro. La nostra richiesta è di fornire un impulso decisivo per il business…
Navi Mumbai
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Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, Tumkur Road Bangalore, India
Progettisti, cucine modulari, falegnami, falegnami, falegnami, produttori di hardware, falegnami, falegnami, artigiani, forestali, produttori di porte e finestre. È stato dimostrato che è stato dimostrato…
Navi Mumbai
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Chennai Trade Centre (Hall - 2 & 3), Chennai, India
Over the years, Index has evolved with the various sectors of architecture and interior design, observing national players grow in size, watching as international players enter the market, and doing business…
The India Rubber Expo is Asia's largest rubber expo. It made its debut in 2001 and has grown to be one of the most anticipated events in the rubber industry today. Now its 10th International Exhibition…
Navi Mumbai
Beginning of the exhibition:
End of the exhibition:
Centro espositivo di Bombay, NESCO, Goregaon East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063
Technologies of retail trade. It is a rapidly growing platform for business and technology solutions. This year, key trends in retail technologies, including applications and solutions for multi-channel…
Связь-2018 пройдет с 24 по 27 апреля 2018 в Экспоцентре в Москве, Россия. Это международаня выставка по телекоммуникациям, системам управления, информационным и коммуникационным услугам. Выставка охватит…
"Розничные онлайн продажи - Россия" организованы при поддержки B2B Conference Group. Конференция пройдет с 12 апреля по 13 апреля 2018 года. Это событие объединяет крупный бизнес, в том…
The Global Legal Confex, organized by the Events 3 Sure will take place from 18th April 2018 at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, India. The conference will cover areas like Litigation, Intellectual…